Candles frog prince
Decorating with our Encaustic pen 0270
How it works
Step 1:
You will need printed napkins, scissors, package cord, a candle and the pebaro candle bulb with iron attachment.
Step 2:
Cut the chosen motif from the napkin and place it on the candle. Brush lightly with the candle bulb until a thin layer of wax covers the entire image.
Step 3:
Do the same with the top edge of the napkin. Let the ends overlap slightly and brush over with the iron attachment.
Step 4:
Attach the cord to the bottom of the candle with the candle bulb. This makes it easier to wrap around the candle.
Step 5:
After wrapping in the desired width, stroke the entire cord again so that it connects to the candle and cannot come loose.
Step 6:
If necessary, rivets can now be attached for further decoration. A beautiful new individual candle decoration is ready.
You need this product for the craft idea
Painting, drawing and writing with wax colours
2 - 3 Days